EuGen Celebrates 10 Years of Opportunities and Growth for Young People
In 2025, EuGen - European Generation reaches an important milestone: ten years of commitment to creating opportunities for young people......
The EU4EU program helps Universities to support their students in the move from education and training to the workplace. EU4EU built a network of National Consortia of Universities to respond to similar employment needs of young graduates in different EU countries.
EU4EU supports business development through EU-funded professional traineeships. EU4EU innovates your business without raising payroll costs.
The EU4EU program generated an International Community that connects universities, companies, students and young professionals all over Europe
Scolarships assigned
Host Organizations throughout Europe
Sending Universities
% of Participants Highly Satisfied
In 2025, EuGen - European Generation reaches an important milestone: ten years of commitment to creating opportunities for young people......
February 17, 2025 – It’s official: the Spanish and French Consortia have launched the call for Erasmus+ internship scholarships!...
The 2024 Call concludes with outstanding results that highlight the positive evolution and continued success of the EU4EU program....
Sala 1 is Italy’s oldest independent non profit for contemporary art and culture, founded in 1970. ...
The EU4EU program was the alternative that seemed to me from the start to be the easiest to meet these expectations....
Moving to Brussels for my EU4EU internship was an exciting but challenging experience....