07 Mar HOST ORGANISATION: Clean Air Action Group from Hungary
Clean Air Action Group from Hungary
1 – What does your company do?
We are one of the oldest environmental NGO in Hungary. Our main fields of activity are: reducing air pollution, making transport more sustainable, our cities more liveable, and greening the state (and the EU).
To reach these goals, our small but enthusiastic team is doing several activities, such as awareness-raising campaigns, research and policy analysis, PR and media activities (by being present in classical, online and social media), and lobbying with decision makers. We are also members of international organisations – such as the EEB (European Environmental Bureau), and part of several international projects – such as the Clean Cities Campaign.
2 – Why did you decide to join the EU4EU programme?
We frequently receive interns and volunteer activists from different countries. They are a great help for our organisation: they bring a different point of view from their home countries, and they bring many best practices to our attention from their countries. This is something that we can apply in our work in Hungary. EU4EU is a programme which helps us connect easier with such candidates.
3 – Was it easy to join the programme?
Yes, it is quite an easy process.
4 – How important do you think it is for a company to work internationally?
It is very important – in our globalised world, we have to stay open and screen global processes and trends. Staying in our own bubble is very dangerous, it can limit our sight and lead to bad decisions.
5 – What are the advantages of working with a foreign student in your team?
As mentioned above, foreign students are a great help for our organisation: they bring a different point of view from their home countries, and they bring many better practices or good articles to our attention from their countries. We can apply these things to our work in Hungary.
6 – Based on your experience, how fast the students learn what they have to do?
It depends. In fact, our organisation is quite special – most of our colleagues are senior and work independently. It is often not easy to delegate “junior” tasks to our interns. Even though this can be stimulating for interns with a more independent spirit, it can be challenging for candidates who are looking for continuous feedback and guidance. It also helps a lot if the candidate has some prior experience in the field (e.g. environmental activism). In that case, it takes almost no time (1-2 weeks) to learn what to do. We always try to clarify this during the interview, so that the candidate can decide if they are willing to work with little supervision.
7 – How well trainees manage to adapt to the working environment?
They usually manage to adapt quite well. Most of our team works from home, except for some meetings. We always try to clarify this during the interview, so that the candidate can decide if they are willing to work mostly from home.
8 – Will you participate in the EU4EU programme in the future?
Yes, hopefully.
9 – Would you suggest another company to join the EU4EU programme? Why?
Yes. Joining the EU4EU programme can bring to your company a fresher perspective, new ideas, diversity and also some fun.