Call for students EU4EU ITALY 2024 en

Call for selection “Erasmus+ Traineeship”
ERASMUS+ Program for higher education students Key Action 1 – Student Mobility for Traineeship Project EU4EU European Universities for the EU – n.2024-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000219173 e
n. 2023-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000118876, for the assignment of N° 65 mobility contributions

vers. 04.09.2024

Academic year 2024-2025

 Online application

EuGen – European Generation

Piazza Albania 35, 00153 Roma,,, +39 3518770536, Rome C.F. 97834840585


Project promoted under the European Union Erasmus + KA1 2023 Program from EuGen – European Generation (“national coordinator”) in Consortium with:

Università degli Studi della Tuscia
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Università degli Studi di Catania
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
Università degli Studi di Padova
Università degli Studi di Parma
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Università degli Studi di Teramo
Università Politecnica delle Marche

for the award of 65 scholarships lasting from 60 to 150 days to students enrolled in the first, second, third cycle of studies or short cycle of studies (undergraduate and graduate, first and second level masters, research doctorate) of any course of study at one of the universities in the Consortium, draw on funds from the Erasmus + project

n.2024-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000219173 e and n.2023-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000118876  (“Project”).

Time slots for completing the application:

  • Pre-Registration (alternative to “Registration”, cf. subsequent art. 3.1): from 1 October to 24 October 2024
  • Registration: from 25 October to 10 November 2024
  • Matching: from 29 October to 3 December 2024
Art.1 General information

Erasmus+ Traineeship is the EU Program active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027 which supports the international mobility of students and future graduates, with the aim of improving the level of transversal and professional competences, with special reference to their relevance for the labor market and their contribution to the creation of a cohesive society (the “Programme”).

The “Erasmus + for Traineeship” scholarships are awarded for the following activities in a foreign Host Organization:

A) curricular traineeships
B) extra curricular traineeships

Art.1.1 Learning Objective

The expected learning objective for the internships offered by this call and preferential criterion in the evaluation of the application is the development of professional skills useful for:

  • seizing EU funding opportunities,
  • presenting financing proposals,
  • managing and implementing project activities.

The purpose of the Eu4Eu Project is the development of transversal skills, including but not limited to: project management, project design, digital skills, web and graphic design, marketing, communication, social media management, business and administration, which significantly enrich curriculum profiles and can easily be spent in other professional sectors, raising the prospects of employment for participants.

Art.1.2 Target beneficiaries

Only students registered and / or enrolled in the first, second or third cycle of studies and short cycle of studies (bachelor’s and master’s degree, first and second level masters, research doctorates) of any field of study at one of the partner universities of the Consortium can access mobility:

Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Università degli Studi di Catania, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Università degli Studi di Parma, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Università degli Studi di Teramo, Università Politecnica delle Marche.

Recent graduates, master’s degree holders and doctorate’s holders can also participate by submitting the application during the last year of enrollment and before obtaining the academic degree. In this case, the internship must be carried out and concluded no later than 12 months from the issue of the qualification and, in any case, within the time limits set by this Call. Applications from students who have not passed all their exams within the prescribed period of time are admitted.

Art.1.3 Admission requirements and reasons for forfeiture of the scholarship

Being enrolled in the first, second or third cycle of studies, and short cycle of studies (bachelor’s and master’s degree, first and second level master’s, research doctorate) of any field of study at one of the partner universities of the Consortium.

  • Having demonstrable knowledge equivalent to at least level B1 of the English language as required by art. 3.2.
  • Having a minimum number of 60 days of mobility per internship available, in accordance with the Erasmus + Program in their course of study and therefore not having already used the maximum number of months of mobility allowed by the Erasmus + Program in their course of study.
  • Not being granted other funding for stays abroad disbursed from European Union funds that overlap, even partially, with the Erasmus + internship period.
  • Students who intend to carry out the internship during the course of study must maintain the status of “student” for the entire duration of the internship; obtaining the academic degree during the internship will result in the forfeiture of the scholarship and the refund of the sums received.
  • Recent graduates, master’s degree holders and doctorate’s holders must submit the application during the last year of enrollment, before obtaining the academic degree; the internship will take place, under penalty of forfeiture of the scholarship, after the qualification has been awarded and will end within 12 months of graduation.

The absence of any of the aforementioned requirements will result in the exclusion of the candidate from the following phases of the selection. Candidates are admitted to the selection subject to the verification of the prescribed requirements. The National Coordinator may decide at any time, with a motivated resolution, the exclusion from the selection for lack of the admission requirements prescribed by the Call.

Art.1.4 Destination Countries
  • Erasmus + for Traineeship mobility can be carried out in Host Organizations and institutions of the Member States of the European Union and other Program Countries listed below:
  • Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary;
  • Non-EU countries participating in the Program: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Republic of North
    Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey.
Art. 1.5 Traineeship period, duration and blended mobility

The internship must take place in the period between 13 January and 31 December 2025. Internships must have a minimum duration of 60 complete and consecutive days, and a maximum of 150 complete and consecutive days. The jury reserves the right to limit the contribution up to a maximum of 60 days, in the event that the overall budget of the Project does not cover all the required months. During the internship, participants can request an extension of the grant, which will be granted after checking the budget coverage. Internships can be carried out with blended mobility, providing for a minimum of 60 days of internship in presence and a period of maximum 90 days at distance, through virtual and online activities.

Art. 1.6 ICTS (University Credits)

For students, Erasmus + for Traineeship mobility is an internship experience the recognition procedure of which is carried out in accordance with the regulations and teaching plans of the various study programs and according to the rules and procedures established by each university of reference. Winners are required to find information on the recognition of ICTS before departure from the Mobility Coordinator / Coordinator for teaching and / or the internship office / Erasmus office of their home university.

Art. 1.7 Methods of mobility monitoring in itinere and ex-post

A quality monitoring is planned, based on three different moments through web surveys:

1. Entry mobility survey, sent two weeks after the start of the mobility. The survey aims to monitor the quality of the trainee’s social-employment placement and detect any critical issues (relationship with tutors and colleagues, relevance of duties, search for accommodation). Filling in the survey is not mandatory, the trainee will only have to fill it in to report any proven critical issues and to request prompt support from the National Coordinator.

2. Outcome mobility survey, sent before the end of the mobility. The survey aims to investigate the quality of the trainee’s training path and the project, at the end of the mobility experience. Filling in the questionnaire is mandatory and binding for the purpose of paying the scholarship (see art.2.3);

3. Follow-up survey, sent at least 5 months after the end of the mobility. The survey aims to investigate the impact of the mobility project at the training and occupational level detected on the trainee in the medium to long term. Filling in the questionnaire is mandatory. Students will receive all the questionnaires at the email address indicated at the time of application and are required to communicate any changes of address.

Art.2 Erasmus+ financial contribution

The financial contributions of Erasmus+ for Traineeship mobility are paid based on the actual duration in days of the internship, certified by the certificate of attendance issued by the Host Organization (Traineeship Certificate). The duration must not be less than 60 days nor more than 150 days.

Any extensions will be financed only in case of availability of funds. The amount of the Erasmus + grants vary depending on whether the destination country belongs to one of the following groups: 

  • GROUP 1 (high cost of living): 500€ /month. Destination countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden. 
  • GROUP 2 (medium-low cost of living): 450€/ month. Destination countries: Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey.

In case of exhaustion of EU funds or simultaneous assignment of other EU funds, or upon specific request of the student and prior authorization from the university, it will be possible to assign to the eligible students, in order of ranking, the status of “Erasmus zero-EU- Grant ” which allows to benefit from mobility, without receiving the EU financial contribution. 

For the EU4EU project candidate who is ranked as eligible but does not receive a scholarship due to the exhaustion of funds, their home university may decide to allocate its own funds, up to the exhaustion of the available budget, to finance the scholarship and allow the candidate to undertake the internship, remaining within the EU4EU project as a “zero grant” participant.

Art. 2.1 Students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities

Students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities are those who, due to economic, social, cultural, geographical, or health-related reasons, linked to their background in a migratory context, or for reasons such as disabilities and learning difficulties or any other reason, including those that may lead to forms of discrimination as per Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, face obstacles that prevent them from effectively assessing the opportunities offered by the program.


Students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities receive an additional individual contribution of 250 euros/month for Erasmus+ physical mobility, following the ranking order until the funds are exhausted.

To be eligible for the additional individual contribution, students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities must certify their condition in a verifiable manner and upload the certificate or attestation at the time of application on the Portal referred to in the subsequent Art. 3.


Students and recent graduates with socio-economically disadvantaged conditions are identified by Ministerial Decree n.318 of 14-03-2024, for the academic year 2024/2025 which links economic disadvantage to an Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) equal to or less than 27.726,79 euros.

In order to be entitled to the supplementary individual contribution, students and recent graduates in socio-economically disadvantaged conditions must upload the 2023 or 2024 ISEE certificate on the Portal referred to in Art. 3 below.

Art.2.2 Tax conditions of the Erasmus+ contribution

Pursuant to Art. 1, Paragraph 50, of Law No. 208 of 28.12.2015, the exemptions provided for in Article 1, Paragraph 3, of Decree-Law No. 105 of 9 May 2003, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 170 of 11 July 2003, apply to scholarships for international mobility, unless further regulatory amendments are made.

Art. 2.3 Methods of payment of the scholarship

The contribution will be paid in two installments:

  • The payment of the first installment (equal to 80% of the total) will be arranged by the National Coordinator at the beginning of the internship period, usually within 30 days following the upload to the Portal of the “Letter of Arrival” at the host organization (“Host Organization”), provided that the student has already signed the Grant Agreement referred to in the following art. 4.4.
  • The payment of the second installment (equal to 10% of the total) will be disbursed at the end of the internship, within 30 days from the completion of the last of the following activities: delivery of the complete final internship documentation (complete Learning Agreement); online submission of the EU Survey; online submission of the Survey Mobility Outcome EU4EU – European Universities for the EU (see art. 1.7).

In the case of total contributions exceeding €2,500, the contribution will be paid in three instalments. The payment of the first instalment (equal to 50% of the total) will be arranged by the National Coordinator at the beginning of the placement period, normally within 30 days from the upload on the Portal referred to in Article 3 below of the “Letter of Arrival” at the Host Organisation, provided that the student has already signed the Grant Agreement referred to in Article 4.4 below. Payment of the second instalment (equal to 30% of the total) will be made following notification by the student to the email address of the completion of the first two months of the placement. The payment of the third instalment (equal to 20% of the total) will be disbursed at the end of the work placement, within 30 days from the completion of the last of the following activities: delivery of the complete final documentation at the end of the work placement (complete Learning Agreement); online submission of the EU Survey; online submission of the Survey Mobility Outcome EU4EU – European Universities for the EU (see art. 1.7).

Art. 3 Application and Host Organizations
Art. 3.1 Application procedure

Applications must be submitted exclusively online through the EU4EU Portal ( – “Portal”) starting from 01 October 2024. For more information on the documents and procedures mentioned in this Call, please refer to the “Guidelines” available on the homepage of the Portal.

The submission of the application form is divided into two distinct phases:

  • the “Pre-registration” (from 01 October to 24 October 2024) or, alternatively, the “Registration” (from 25 October to 10 November 2024), and  
  • the “Matching” with the Host Organizations (from 29 October to 03 December 2024).

Students who complete the “Pre-registration” will have the advantage of obtaining the additional score provided by the following art. 4.1 and will be able to participate in the “Matching” phase from the first useful day. They will therefore have greater opportunities to intercept and apply with the Host Organizations of their interest. Students who do not “pre-register”, will have to wait for their profile to be approved in order to start the Matching. The approval of the profile during the “Matching” phase would take up to 5 working days.

Within one month from the formalisation of the application, the Evaluation Committee (see article 4.2) will assess the possession of the requirements as per article 1.3. The grant will be awarded to the student who meets the requirements, if there are residual funds, and will be communicated according to the procedures indicated in article 4.3.

Art. 3.2 Pre-registration and Registration

To complete the Pre-registration (from 01 October to 24 October 2024), or alternatively the Registration (from 25 October to 10 November 2024) on the Portal, the candidate must complete and submit the application form online, uploading the following documentation to his/her profile:

  • Curriculum vitae in English (.pdf format, with the following file name “CV_Name- Surname”)
  • Motivational letter for participation in the Call in English (.pdf format, with the following file name “ML_ Name- Surname”)
  • One of the following documents proving the level of English language equal to or better than B1 dated not earlier than 01.01.2022, which will be verified by the Evaluation Commission referred to in the following art. 4.2:

– Language certificates (Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS, Trinity ESOL, etc.);
– Certificate issued by the English Language Center of the University;
– Certificate issued by an English language school;
– University study plan certifying the passing of the English language exam or the English proficiency test;
– Link-URL to his/her own English language Video CV with a duration of about one minute.

N.B Uploading a Certificate certifying knowledge of a language other than English DOES NOT replace the
English language certificate required as an admission requirement for this Call. Any additional language
certificates will be considered a plus and will be assessed during the selection phase in the attribution of
the score relating to language skills (see following article 4.1).
During this phase, the candidate must digitally sign the “Declaration of Compliance”, which self-certifies the
correctness and truthfulness of the information declared.

Candidates will receive the results of the Pre-registration and Registration via email at the email address
indicated in the application form. Candidates who have completed this first phase on schedule and who
meet the formal requirements for participation (see Article 1.3) will receive an email notification for access
to the Matching phase.

Art.3.3 Matching phase

To successfully complete the application, during the Matching phase, candidates must upload the “Letter of Availability” signed by the legal representative or internship tutor of the Host Organization and by the candidate himself on the Portal. The Host Organization sends the Letter of Availability to the candidate. The candidate must sign it and upload it to the Portal. The Portal will automatically generate an email notification of the upload of the Letter of Availability and subsequent completion of the application. Late, incomplete, non-compliant applications or application including declarations that do not comply with the participation requirements will be considered null and void. Applications to Host Organizations that are not eligible or suitable to participate will also be excluded (see articles 3.5 and 3.6). Communications in this and all other selection phases (assignment of scholarships, takeover of suitable candidates and internship management) will only be made by e-mail. The completion of the application occurs with the upload of the Letter of Availability to the Portal by the deadline of 03 December 2024.

Art. 3.4 Search for the Host Organization

Candidates can propose a Host Organization independently or select one from the Portal database. The latter will only be available to candidates admitted to the second application phase, i.e. the Matching phase. The candidate will proceed to contact the Host Organizations or will be contacted by them to arrange the selection interviews. All Host Organizations present on the Portal will already be in possession of the requirements to participate. It will be the responsibility of the candidate who wants to propose a Host Organization not registered on the Portal to ensure that it registers on the Portal preferably by 24 October, and in any case no later than 24 hours before the end of the Matching phase, in order to allow the evaluation of the Host Organization, to approve it if necessary, to allow the Host Organization to create the Letter of Availability and send it to the student once signed, and finally to enable the student to sign it and upload it to the Portal. In the event that the proposed Host Organization does not meet the eligibility and suitability requirements provided (see articles 3.5 and 3.6), its registration on the Portal will not be approved and consequently the Host Organization will not be considered eligible for this Call.

Art. 3.5 Eligibility Requirements of Host Organizations

As per definition provided by the 2023 version of the “Programme Guide” of the European Commission, the Host Organization hosting the internship will be:

  • any public or private organization of a country participating in the program active in the labor market or in the field of education, training, youth, research and innovation. For example, such an organization can be:
    – a public or private enterprise, small, medium or large (including social enterprises);
    – a public body at local, regional or national level;
    – or an embassy or consular office of the EU Member State or third country associated with the sending programme;
    – a social part or another representative active in the labour market, including chambers of commerce, orders of artisans or professionals and trade union associations;
    – a research institute;
    – a foundation, a school, an institute or an educational center (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, including vocational and adult education);
  • a non-profit organization, association or NGO;
  • a body for career guidance, career advice and information services;
  • a HEI from an EU Member State or a third country associated to the programme holding a CEIS or a HEI from a third country not associated to the programme, recognised by the competent authorities and having signed inter-institutional agreements with its partners from the EU Member States or third countries associated to the programme, prior to the mobility.

The following types of organizations are not eligible as Host Organization for internships of students in mobility: EU institutions and other bodies, including specialized agencies (the full list is available at -union / abouteu / institutions-bodies_it); organizations managing EU programs, such as Erasmus + National Agencies. Host organizations must be formally registered in the country of mobility. Host Organizations must be based in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus + Program as specified below:

  • Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary.
  • Non-EU countries participating in the Program: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey.

N.B: Students cannot carry out the internship in the same country in which their home university is located.

Art. 3.6 Suitability Requirements of Host Organizations

At the sole discretion of EuGen, only those Host Organizations deemed suitable in terms of: organizational reliability, presence and availability of the tutor, adequacy of the logistical conditions, consistency of the tasks foreseen in the internship offer with the objectives and values of the European Union enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, compliance with the precepts of the European Quality Framework for Internships, will be admitted to the Portal database.

Art. 4 Scholarships selection and assignment
Art. 4.1 Selection Criteria

The selection procedure will take place through the evaluation of the following indicators:

1. Presence of focus in EU project management, highlighted in the Letter of Availability (maximum 15 points);
2. Consistency of skills and experiences acquired in the training and professional field expressed in the CV and in the motivation letter with the expected training objective (see Article 1.1) and with the internship duties expressed in the Letter of Availability (maximum 50 points);
3. Assessment of language skills, as shown by the certification of English language and any other languages held by the candidate (maximum 15 points). Furthermore, to encourage the presentation of applications as soon as possible and facilitate the selection of Host Organizations in the general interest of all Program participants, the following scores will be assigned:

  • 5 points to each candidate who completes the Pre-registration by 24 October 2024;
  • 5 points to each candidate who completes the Matching phase by 22 November 2024.

In the event of two or more candidates with the same score, the priority in the ranking will be established based on the order of arrival of the applications as resulting from the online application system.

Art.4.2 Evaluation Committee

With a subsequent resolution signed by the President of EuGen, National Coordinator, the Evaluation Committee will be appointed. This will be composed of two experts in international mobility programs of the National Coordinator, and an external collaborator of the National Coordinator expert in European planning. The Committee will evaluate the candidates with unquestionable judgment and draw up a single merit ranking. Candidates who obtain the minimum score of 40/80 will be deemed suitable. All suitable candidates who achieve a useful position in the ranking will be awarded the mobility grant until all the available scholarships are assigned.

To the candidate to the EU4EU project who is in the ranking list eligible but not awarded a grant due to exhaustion of funds, the home university may decide to allocate any of its own funds, up to the exhaustion of the budget foreseen, to finance the scholarship and allow the candidate to carry out the work placement, remaining within the EU4EU project where he/she is a “zero grant” participant.

Art 4.3 Communication and publication of the results

The results of the selection will be communicated to the candidates on their e-mail address indicated in the application form and published on the Project web page and on the websites of the Consortium Universities no later than 17 December 2024.

Art. 4.4 Acceptance of the Erasmus+ contribution

Successful candidates must formalise their acceptance of the grant on their profile on the Portal, in accordance with the procedures they will receive by e-mail together with the admission notice. In case of non-acceptance by the deadline indicated in the admission communication, the mobility scholarship will be deemed as waived. The definitive assignment of the contribution is subject to the upload to the Portal – by the winners – of the “Learning Agreement for Traineeship” prepared by the students with their home university and the chosen Host Organization. Subsequently, the winners will receive by email a copy of the financial agreement or “Grant Agreement”. The latter must be signed by the winner and sent to the National Coordinator in the manner that will be indicated in the admission notice.

Art. 4.5 Waiver of the Erasmus+ contribution

The signing of the Letter of Availability is a serious commitment undertaken by the candidate and the Host Organization.  Any withdrawals made by the candidate before or during the mobility must be communicated in writing and duly justified for serious and proven cases of force majeure, to the National Coordinator ( and to the Host Organization. The minimum internship period at the Host Organization, necessary for the recognition of mobility and to be eligible for an Erasmus grant, is 60 days, unless otherwise specified by the National Agency. The interruption of mobility before said period will result in the refund of the amount received in accordance with the provisions of the Indire National Agency, unless proven cases of force majeure occur.

Art. 4.6 Scrolling of the ranking

In case of renouncement by the winners, the ranking of suitable candidates will be scrolled, the suitable candidate placed in the position immediately following that of the renouncer in the final ranking will take over. The rankings will be scrolled also if additional funding becomes available. If the rankings are exhausted and there is a residual availability of contributions, the deadlines for the submission of applications may be reopened. The candidates concerned will be notified of the scrolling via email, as well as on the Project web page and on the websites of the Consortium Universities. It is understood that, in case of scrolling of the ranking, the mobility grant will be assigned upon acceptance by the student as indicated in art. 4.3 and upon written confirmation by the Host Organization of its willingness to postpone, where necessary, the expected start date of the internship and its duration, without exceeding the end of mobility deadline of 31 December 2025.

Art. 4.7 Withdrawal and maintenance of status within the EU4EU Project

It is strictly prohibited for students enrolled in the universities of the EU4EU Consortium to register on the EU4EU Portal to identify and contact Host Organizations with the aim of undertaking internships outside the EU4EU project, regardless of the completion of their application.

A student who completes the application and then withdraws or does not obtain the EU4EU scholarship but in the same academic year undertakes the internship with the Host Organization identified through the EU4EU Portal, must mandatorily retain the status of Zero Grant within the EU4EU project.

Host organizations that receive requests not compliant with these rules must promptly report them to the Consortium Coordinator, under penalty of exclusion from the EU4EU network.

Art.5 Extraordinary application procedure

In the event that at the publication of the merit ranking there are remaining unassigned scholarships, one or two extraordinary application windows will be opened until the scholarships are exhausted and in any case no later than 31 December 2025. To participate in the extraordinary application procedure, interested candidate must register on the Portal and complete their profile by uploading all the required documentation (see Article 3.2). Once registration is complete, candidates will be able to immediately access the Matching phase and find the Host Organizations. The applications received will be evaluated according to the selection criteria provided (see art. 4.1). Students pre-registered between 01 October and 24 October 2024 will also have direct access to the Matching phase of the extraordinary procedure. With a subsequent provision of EuGen, National Coordinator, the Evaluation Committee will be appointed (see art. 4.2) for the preparation of the merit ranking that will be published at the end of each extraordinary application window. The opening of the extraordinary procedure window, if any, will be communicated with a notice of EuGen.

Art. 6 Preparation for departure
Art. 6.1 Third party liability and accident insurance

The insurance for accidents and responsibility in the workplace, which the student automatically benefits from when enrolling at the University, is extended, in the same way, for the entire period of internship abroad at the host institution. The policies and information are published on the web page of the individual universities. The aforementioned insurance covers only internship activities and does not include coverage of risks associated with the exercise of the medical profession and health facilities. Unless otherwise indicated by each university, students of the health area will be responsible for finding such insurance independently. For any details, candidates can contact the Erasmus / International Relations or Placement Offices of the home university.

Art. 6.2 Health insurance

Mobility students are required to make their own arrangements for adequate health insurance cover during their stay abroad, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the host country. If the applicant holds the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), he/she is automatically entitled to benefits from the National Health Service in all EU countries. However, the coverage of the EHIC or private insurance may not be sufficient. It may therefore be advisable to take out additional private insurance.

Art. 6.3 Online Linguistic Support

The Erasmus+ Program requires the selected candidate to undergo a mandatory online test of their language skills before the mobility, for the learning language identified as the working language with the Host Organization in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship. Before the internship, the candidate will receive the credentials to access the OLS, take an entrance test and follow the language course for its level. Completing the online assessment before departure is strongly recommended. The language test and the related course will be assigned in the first working language indicated by the Host Organization in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship, (the available languages are: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish, Irish, Maltese). If the candidate obtains in the placement test an evaluation between C1 and C2 in the working language, he/she will be able to choose to attend the online language course in another of the available languages.

Art. 6.4 Entry into the host country

The student must independently seek information about any rules governing:

  • entry into the host country, by contacting the relevant diplomatic representations in good time;
  • health care in the host country, by contacting their local health authorities or diplomatic representations.

The legislation and regulations governing the entry of non-EU students into the countries participating in the Program are linked to the nationality of the students: it is the students’ responsibility to seek information well in advance and obtain the documents that will allow entry and stay in the country of destination.

Art. 6.5 Departure preparation package

EU4EU makes available to all students who have obtained the scholarship a departure preparation package, containing updated information, links to websites, social network channels, manuals, guides, documents, videos on the following topics: participation in the EU4EU internship; tools available to all Erasmus students; live and work in Europe; travel sustainably; EU 2021-2027 planning and programming.

Art. 7 Other provisions
Art. 7.1 Activities and financing

The activities and funding provided for in this Call are subject to the actual signing of the Erasmus + 2024/2025 agreement between the Erasmus + National Agency and EuGen, National Coordinator, for the allocation of EU funds. It should also be noted that the information contained in this Call may undergo changes and / or additions on the basis of subsequent updates and provisions by the Erasmus + National Agency.

Art. 7.2 Controls

The National Coordinator proceeds to carry out checks, even on a sample basis, in all cases in which wellfounded doubts arise on the veracity of the self-certifications. The lack of truthfulness of the information declared or self-certified constitutes a reason for exclusion / forfeiture, without prejudice to the other consequences provided for by law.

Art. 7.3 Responsible for the procedure

The person in charge of the proceedings for EuGen – European Generation, National Coordinator, is Dr. Francesca Romana Zotta, President. Questions should be sent to

Art.7.4 Treatment of personal data

The processing of personal data is regulated by the new European Regulation no. 679 of 27.4.2016 – GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as well as by the national legislation in force.

Art. 7.5 Helpdesk and contacts

To consult the Call and fill in the online application form, please visit the website For any further information, candidates can send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: Candidates will also be able to follow all the updates on the Project which will be periodically published on the following social channels:


Ver. 05.09.023