21 Dec EU4EU – THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL REPORT
Rome, 21 December 2022
Today, 21 December 2022, the second two-year report of the EU4EU – Erasmus+ program, is published.
In the two-year period 2021-2022 EU4EU continued to be appreciated by all program partners: Universities, Host Organizations and Students; this is demonstrated by the participation and positive feedback received, which can be seen within the report, through the numerous graphs. There are also many satisfied testimonials from Trainees and Host Organizations, a few lines of which can be found in the report. Also, it is interesting to retrace the main themes of the Staff Mobility events that took place over the past two years, which were always experienced with participation and constructive dialogue under the guidelines and European values of exchange, inclusion and sharing. The graphs contained in the report allow us to evaluate on the one hand the characteristics of the Students participating in the EU4EU program, such as the field of study, the cycle of studies, the destination countries, the preferred fields in which to carry out the internships, ecc. and on the other hand the report makes us focus on the Host Organizations which joined the program, what kind of companies they are, in which field they operate, their level of satisfaction with the EU4EU program and much more.
All that remains, therefore, is to take a look at the EU4EU 2021-2022 report by clicking here: EU4EU REPORT 2021-2022
Thank you to all those who – also in this biennium – have worked with us and to those who have chosen us to live this wonderful and important experience of work, but above all of Life.