Rome, 25 January 2023
The European program EU4EU-Erasmus+ with the arrival of 2023 celebrates its 8th year of activity and immediately opens its work with the launch of an extraordinary call to which the Host Organizations of the EU4EU network and those who will register to the program will be able to participate.
The new call, dedicated to Universities and Students from consortia in France, Spain and Portugal, will open on 7 February 2023 and close on 7 March 2023. Throughout the month, given the fact that the Registration and Matching phases will overlap, it will be possible to select on the EU4EU Portal the most suitable Students to carry out an internship in a European company, contact them and arrange an interview. Once the necessary arrangements have been made between the Host Organizations and the Students, the company will be able to comfortably create a Letter of Availability through the dedicated web form present on the EU4EU Portal, fill it in, sign it and send it to the selected candidate who will in turn have to sign it and upload it on the EU4EU Portal. At this point the procedure will be concluded and all that remains is to wait for the results of the merit list to verify that the selected candidate has actually won the scholarship and can therefore leave with the EU4EU program.
The traineeships will take place from 20 March 2023 to 31 December 2023 and may last from 2 to 6 months as usual. It is important to remember that on this occasion, in order to be able to proceed with the search for Students and with the foreseen interviews, Host Organizations will have to enter their profile and flag themselves as available to accept trainees, updating when necessary their information on the EU4EU Portal.