20 Jan EU4EU for candidates in disadvantaged economic conditions
Posted at 15:03h
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Gli studenti e neolaureati in condizioni socioeconomiche svantaggiate sono individuati con Decreto Ministeriale n. 256 del 18 marzo 2021 per l’anno accademico 2021/2022, che collega lo svantaggio economico a un Indicatore di Situazione Economica Equivalente (ISEE) pari o inferiore a 23.626,32 euro.
L’assegnazione del contributo è subordinata alla disponibilità di fondi, partendo dagli studenti con ISEE più basso.
Per comunicare la propria condizione di studente o neolaureato in condizioni socioeconomiche svantaggiate si prega di inviare ISEE del 2022 entro il 28 febbraio 2022 a italianconsortium@eu4eu.org.
The candidates of the Italian Universities of the EU4EU EuGen Consortium who will be awarded with the EU4EU internship scholarship and who are in disadvantaged socio-economic conditions can request an integration of the individual contribution for Erasmus + physical mobility of 250 euros / month.
Students and recent graduates in disadvantaged socio-economic conditions are identified with Ministerial Decree no. 256 of 18 March 2021 for the 2021/2022 academic year, which links the economic disadvantage to an Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) equal to or less than 23,626.32 euros.
The assignment of the grant is subject to the availability of funds, starting with students with the lowest ISEE.
To communicate your status as a student or recent graduate in disadvantaged socio-economic conditions, please send your 2022 ISEE by 28 February 2022 to italianconsortium@eu4eu.org.