23 Jan EU4EU: 500 new scholarships to be awarded in 2020

Ready, steady, go! Registrations of companies to become EU4EU Host Organizations have reopened. The program since 2015 has supported the development of businesses through professional placements financed by EU funds, with a focus on European planning.
In 2020, up to 500 scholarships are available to be awarded between the new call of March and the now traditional call of October, for candidates with different areas of specialization. “It gives us great satisfaction to see the companies that follow us start to have a significant impact on their business development as well as on the career prospects of the young people they host” (EuGen team).
The program that EuGen founded and coordinates, has been funded since 2015 with Erasmus + funds to promote international mobility and the professional inclusion of new graduates and undergraduates from 38 European universities. EuGen coordinates the management of national consortia, supports the implementation of transnational activities in a consistent way and improves the efficiency of management procedures, such as recommended by the Erasmus + program.
“Registrations for Host Organizations are open all year round. It’s been decided not to set a deadline for company registrations, but we strongly recommend that you register in time to participate in the matching phase with students from the first day: 20 March 2020” (EuGen team). Particularly important advice given that the rule of “first come first served” applies (that is, who registers first has more possibilities to select the most suitable trainees). The next matching phase will therefore be from 20 March to 20 April 2020. As usual, companies can choose the ideal candidates to be included in their work teams, among hundreds of profiles
Another important tip: to participate in the new call in March, the companies that participated in the 2019 matches will simply have to confirm their “availability” on the Portal. Together with the “Call for Host Organizations”, which contains the technical information to participate, it is always important to read the Guidelines for Hosts on the Portal. More information is on EU4EU webpage
1,048 EU4EU scholarships have been awarded so far to candidates with different profiles specialization, coming from universities in Italy, Spain, Croatia and France. National coordinators of the consortia are respectively the Impresapiens research center of the University Sapienza, Campus Iberus, Informo and University of Lille. EuGen is available forfurther explanations by e-mail (info@eu4eu.org) or telephone (+39 3518770536).
So, to summarize, to participate as a host organization in the first call for 2020, it is recommended to register on the EU4EU Portal, or confirm your availability if you are already active, no later than March 20.