As Europeans we face many challenges, from migration to climate change, from youth unemployment to data privacy. We live in an ever more globalised, competitive world. At the same time, the Brexit referendum has demonstrated that the EU is not an irrevocable project. And while most of us take democracy for granted, it also seems under increasing threat, both in principle and practice. As with all elections, voting in the European elections is about choosing your future.
The European Parliament makes big decisions: how to grow the economy, how to curb energy use, how to make sure that the food we eat is safe. When you vote, you choose who makes these decisions and what they mean for the sort of world you want to live in. If you don’t vote, you have no say.
The world faces many challenges, but when problems are shared, solutions are more easily found. Our Union is leading the way in innovation and investment that, for example, we need to tackle climate change. And it is working to protect our way of life and our privacy. Your vote gives it the strength it needs to do that.
All around us, we see how unchallenged “truths” can turn diversity into division. And how fragile democracy can be. Our Union is based on a shared respect for fundamental rights and democratic principles. Your vote is your claim on those rights, for yourself and for others.
That is why, as EUropean GENeration, we decided to join the campaign “This time I’m voting“. To give the opportunity to all members of our international community (students, mobile trainees, young professionals, teachers, etc) to get informed about the electoral appointment and express a vote as conscious as possible.
We signed up for the campaign and invited our partners, participants and students to also get involved. Our weekly posts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn hopefully helped to raise the awareness and importance of European elections. Through sharing promotional videos and useful content and information like “how to vote” and “how European Union can influence your life” we believe that we managed to contribute to the campaign.

We did our part. Did you do the same?
The elections are almost upon us, but you still have time to actively contribute to making them a moment of great participation. Get Involved, make your decision and spread the word among your friends. Let’s make them viral!
Do you need any help? Take a look at the official landing page, you will find many useful information on the current European elections.