11 Jul EU4EU Host Organization experience: CCIF CYPRUS

Rome, 11 July 2022
Our journey among the voices of the Host Organisations making up the EU4EU – Erasmus+ project network lands in Cyprus this time. More and more European companies want to include young trainees in their teams, and CCIF Cyprus explained to us why.
1 – What does your company do?
Created in 2016, CCIF Cyprus supports education and research for social inclusion of all citizens, including youth with fewer opportunities, disabilities and immigrants. Our purpose is to provide an enabling space to people from inauspicious environments and equip them with necessary digital skills to access today’s labour market, while increasing their chances at an equal treatment. At CCIF Cyprus, we try to fuel the dialogue between local communities to address the different fears many have, as we deem it a necessary step to build an inclusive and peaceful society.
We are heavily involved in the integration process of immigrants in Pafos, offering them several times a week Greek, English, computer literacy classes, as well as drama classes and sport, so that they can develop their skills and capacity of expression.
Also, one of our biggest successes is our implication in helping women of Muslim religion – one of the most marginalised minorities in Cyprus –gain financial literacy and independence, by helping them generate revenue in a way that aligns with their cultural codes.
2 – Why did you decide to join the EU4EU program?
We strongly believe that the trainees bring added value, fresh ideas, expertise and an updated perspective to our projects, actions and activities. Their enthusiasm can alleviate the workload of our volunteers working on more pressing issues. Furthermore, their presence promotes an intercultural environment and the European values in the community.
3 – Was it easy to join the program?
The program is very users’ friendly for both Host Organizations trainees.
4 – How important do you think it is for a company to work internationally?
Even though our experience spans over different initiatives, we have always had a specific interest in enhancing a multicultural mood, inclusion, spread the benefits of diversity, internships, skilling apprenticeships. CCIF Cyprus has a lot to offer, while simultaneously being ready to learn and assimilate best practices from the interns and their universities.
5 – What are the advantages of working with a European student in your team?
Working with foreign students enhance our team’s diversity, which can drive innovation and productivity. Interns share their ideas on plans, strategies, policies and they assist the volunteers of the organization to pursue creative and advanced projects.
6 – Based on your experience, how fast the students learn what they have to do?
Students are fast learners if they have the right mentoring, clear tasks related to our field of work and guided supervision.
7 – How well trainees manage to adapt to the working environment?
The trainees work with hands on activities that help them adapt fast and easy. We provide orientation and training to ensure interns do well and gain skills.
8 – Will you participate in the EU4EU program in the future?
Yes of course, as EU4EU offers an excellent internship program, highly effective which provides strong candidates to choose from. Furthermore, a wide pool of interns is built that could lead to future hiring opportunities.
9 – Would you suggest another company to join the EU4EU program? Why?
We would definitely suggest the program to our network that includes social services, municipalities, educational authorities, other NGOs, tourism businesses and local stakeholders.