16 Jun EU4EU Host Organization experience: ECOBUBBLE

Rome, 16 June 2022
The EU4EU – Erasmus + program is once again having great success this year, not only among students who want to have a unique experience in Europe, but also among European companies. Many of them have now joined the program and every year they confirm their satisfaction.
But no one better than them can tell what it means to be part of EU4EU. That’s why we asked a few questions to Ecobubble, an Italian start-up founded in 2019.
1 – What does your company do?
Ecobubble is an innovative start-up that operates in the Green Tech area, i.e. technology applied to the design and management of green areas. The company main goal is to spread a new culture of green design in the national and international territory. It is aimed at protect the environment and promote technological progress, particularly in the sector of parks, agrivoltaic, bio-garden and green roofing.
The team designs and develops public and private green spaces, even small ones, with high environmental performance, mitigation of noise and low water consumption, through the introduction of innovative, high-tech products and services. The group also provides consultancy services for the quantification and compensation of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions absorbed by plants.
2 – Why did you decide to join the EU4EU program?
We work with the intention of making a contribution with actions to fight climate change and to support environmental sustainability, therefore our principles can only be applied if shared. An international internship program is a way of sharing, comparing and collaborating in harmony with our way of thinking.
3 – Was it easy to join the program?
Yes, it was.
4 – How important do you think it is for a company to work internationally?
In our way of thinking, for a startup it is almost an obligation.
Collaborations and market competition are mostly boundless. Innovations and related products are rapidly exported on a global scale and this is true for almost all sectors.
Especially for those startup engaged in the complex problems solving. It is important to have a network of worldwide excellence in the industrial chain, capable of communicating and collaborating easily and efficiently.
5 – What are the advantages of working with a European student in your team?
In general, working with people from other countries can facilitate the emergence of new collaborations or connections. For example, students may arrive from research centers that have different skills from ours. Therefore, together with the trainees, the projects can be carried out in synergy with international universities or it is easier to have clarifications on some methods of experimentation or specific information.
6 – Based on your experience, how fast the students learn what they have to do?
Of course it depends on the tasks and the student, we cannot make an average. Based on our experience, to get a collaboration that is fruitful for both students and startup, we can indicate a quarterly period.
7 – How well trainees manage to adapt to the working environment?
We try to leave the trainees as much autonomy as possible, because each person adapts to change differently and usually when this is not imposed, we seem to get better results. There are rules in Ecobubble, but they are mostly common sense indications … so also adaptation is mostly trainee-based.
8 – Will you participate in the EU4EU program in the future?
We have already participated several times and we are very satisfied with the program. We will certainly continue to participate.
9 – Would you suggest another company to join the EU4EU program? Why?
Yes, because the connection phase with the trainee is facilitated as well as the usual bureaucratic documentation. The network of the trainees is it is vast and differentiated on different disciplines. Also, the support of the EU4EU team is efficient, ironic and professional.