Instructions for UNIPD students
A) Invio LAT Before: Dopo l’assegnazione della borsa è necessario che lo studente scriva a comunicando tutti i dati dell’ente ospitante (denominazione, indirizzo, contact person, contact person role, telefono e email). In seguito l’assegnatario dovrà predisporre il Learning Agreement for Traineeship all’interno della piattaforma UNIPDCareers al link seguente accedendo con le credenziali di Ateneo.
Seguire le seguenti istruzioni per produrre il LAT attraverso la piattaforma UNIPDCareers:
– per tirocinio senza CFU: free internship
– per tirocinio curriculare: compulsory training, with credits
– per tirocinio per tesi: free internship (i crediti verranno inseriti nella schermata successiva)
Dopo aver compilato e salvato il modulo, è necessario scaricarlo in pdf e inviarlo via email a almeno 20 giorni prima della data di inizio del tirocinio.
Dopo le verifiche sulla correttezza della compilazione da parte dell’ufficio, lo studente riceverà via email la notifica a firmare il LAT digitalmente attraverso la piattaforma di firma digitale dell’Università. In seguito invierà all’ente ospitante il LAT per la firma (è richiesta obbligatoriamente la firma elettronica certificata). Se l’ente non dispone di firma elettronica certificata, avvisare l’ufficio.
Il LAT firmato digitalmente dall’ente ospitante deve essere inviato via email a almeno 15 giorni prima dell’inizio del tirocinio (escludendo dal conteggio i periodi di chiusura dell’ufficio).
Della controfirma da parte dell’Ateneo si occupa in seguito l’ufficio.
B) Prima di iniziare la mobilità il beneficiario dovrà:
C) Al termine del periodo di mobilità il tirocinante dovrà:
– inviare al Career Service dell’Università ( il “Traineeship Certificate AFTER THE MOBILITY” entro 15 i giorni successivi al termine della mobilità
– Inviare i documenti per il rilascio di CFU relativi a stage ai referenti del Career Service presso la propria Scuola di Ateneo entro 15 giorni dopo il termine della mobilità. Gli studenti che devono far riconoscere attività di tesi all’estero devono far pervenire al Career Service il modulo per il riconoscimento tesi timbrato e firmato dal docente/supervisor dell’ente ospitante (l’ente ospitante dovrà inviarlo via e-mail all’ufficio), e il modulo Proposta di riconoscimento crediti firmato dal docente relatore di tesi (inviato dal docente direttamente all’ufficio). (documenti scaricabili dalla pagina
NB I laureandi devono consegnare tutta la documentazione finale almeno 30 giorni prima dell’inizio della sessione di laurea.
A) Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LAT): the student must write to communicating all the data of the host institution (name, address, contact person, contact person role, telephone number and e-mail) Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LAt) must be drafted within UNIPDCareers website at the following link by logging in with the University credentials, then:
– for internship without CFU: free internship
– for curricular internships: compulsory training, with credits
– for thesis internship: free internship (credits will be inserted in the next screen)
6. Select grant: Erasmus + traineeship or Erasmus + traineeship (recent graduate) as appropriate
7. Proceeding, the screen for filling in the learning agreement opens. All mandatory fields must be filled in.
After completing and saving the form, you need to download it in pdf and send it via email to at least 20 days before the start date.
Once the office checks the correctness of the file, the student will receive a notification via email to sign the LAt digitally through the University’s digital signature platform. Then the student will send the LAt to the host organization for their signature (certified electronic signature is mandatory). If the organization does not possess a certified electronic signature, please notify the office.
The LAt digitally signed by the host organization must be sent by email to at least 15 days before the start of the traineeship (excluding office closure days).
The office then takes care of the countersignature by the University.
B) Before the beginning of the mobility the trainee has to:
– Submit to the Career Service any further document required by each study course for the approval of a traineeship
– take the online safety course at the page go to “area sicurezza”, choose “formazione generale”, an English version of the course is available: “Basic course in health and safety: General training (4 hours)”. Enter with password used for institutional e-mail. The certificate of the safety course does not expire and is valid also in case it has been issued for previous traineeships. Submit the certificate to the Career Service
– PhD and Specialization School students only: submit the permit to leave for mobility (Autorizzazione alla Mobilità all’estero) signed by the Director of the School
C) At the end of the traineeship:
1) Submit the “After the Mobility section” of the Learning Agreement (Traineeship Certificate) to Career Service by 15 days after the end of the mobility
2) Submit all documents for the recognition of university credits (CFU) to the Career Service branches at each University School of reference by 15 days after the end of the mobility.
3) Students who have to register credits for thesis activities abroad, have to submit the Short Evaluation Form for Thesis Work, originally stamped and signed by the professor/supervisor at the host institution (to be sent by host organization via e-mail to the office), besides the Proposal for Credit Recognition form (Modulo per Riconoscimento CFU per Tesi all’estero), originally signed by the thesis supervisor at University of Padova (to be sent by the supervisor via e-mail to the office).
NB Graduands have to submit all mobility final documents, included those for credits, at least 30 days before the beginning of graduation session
For any further information:
tel. +39/ 049 827 3071 email:
Telephone hours: Monday-Friday 10-13, Tuesday and Thursday also 15-16.30