Matching Phase - Guidelines for Host Organisations

The student registration phase ended and my company is now registered in the Portal. The profile has been accepted and we received a confirmation email saying that we are eligible to access the Matching Phase with students. What is the next step now?

Now, the matching phase starts. The matching phase is the phase during which students and Host Organisations can see each other’s profiles and get in contact if the profiles correspond.

In this document, you will find the 6 steps that you must follow to successfully complete the matching phase.

I- Prepare the job description

To be able to catch students’ attention your company needs to prepare a good description for the internship that you are offering. This way, students will know exactly what to expect and will most likely contact your company.

You should choose a precise title for the position, indicating clearly what the position will be. Then, you should explain the missions as detailed as possible (you can create bullet points for example) as well as a brief summary of what are the company’s activities.

II- Look for students’ profiles

If your company is approved, the first thing to do once you are registered into the portal is to look for students.
However, you can only look for students once the matching phase starts so you have to wait to be able to see students, if your profile was accepted before the end of the registration phase.


At the top of your profile page, you will find a button “Search for Trainees”, if you click there you will get the list with every student on our database looking for an internship. When you click on a student’s profile, you will get every detail about the internship they are looking for as well as their qualifications.

In the Search Students Page you can filter the students by field of study and see their profiles by clicking on their names.

III- Contact the students

In the Student Page you will find information and details of the students. Once you see one or more profiles that caught your attention you may contact them through email to plan an interview. When contacting the students, explain briefly the internship position you are offering and invite the student to have a look at your offer in the portal.


Please note: You may send a new request after 2 days have passed without receiving a response from the student.

IV- Answer to the students contacting you

This is a very important part of the matching phase as well. Students will most likely directly contact you because your company is interesting to them. In this case, you should answer as quickly as possible (maximum 2 days). During the matching phase, it is important to be reactive and to check your emails often.


You should always give an answer to students, either to give a positive or negative answer. If you are not interested in the student’s profile, let them know! The same goes if you found a most suitable profile for the position, you should let the other students know that so they can look for other internships. This will allow other students and companies the opportunity to receive/give an internship proposal.


To sum up: be reactive and always answer to students.

V- Create the Letter of Availability for the student

If the outcome of an interview is positive, you must let the student know that they got the internship. Once they confirm that they want to do the internship at your company, you must create the Letter of Availability and send it to the student so they can sign it and upload it into their profile.


You can find a template for the Letter of Availability here.


Please note: You should only create a Letter of Availability for the students you want to welcome for the internship. You can create a maximum of 15 Letters of Availability per year. On your company’s profile, you can create the Letter of Availability by following these steps:

This is the Create Letter of Availability Page. Fill each field in agreement with the candidate and press Create Letter.

Now you created the Letter of Availability. You must download it, sign it and send it to the trainee via email and wait for them to complete the application.

VI- Wait for the results

The last step is to wait for the results to know if the student got the scholarship. This will be held after the end of the Matching Phase.


Please note: in the event of a balance between two or more candidate trainees, the ranking priority is established based on the order of arrival of the applications. So, the sooner you send the Letter of Availability to the student, the better chance they have of being awarded the scholarship.
