Erasmus+ Ka1 Mobility for Traineeship EU4EU European Universities for the EU 2023-2024

APPLICATION – Formal requirements
I have already obtained my bachelor's degree/master's degree/PhD and I am not currently enrolled in any university. Can I apply for a scholarship?

No. To participate in the mobility project, you must apply for a scholarship before obtaining the title. In particular, to be awarded it is necessary that the student is regularly enrolled at the time of submitting the application.

I have already participated in an Erasmus + project (study or traineeship) in the past. Can I also participate in this project?

Yes, provided that the sum of the months spent abroad with all the projects does not exceed the total of 12 months in the same cycle of studies, meaning that you must not have already received more than 10 months of Erasmus + mobility grant at the time of the application. Each month of authorized and unfunded mobility (“Erasmus zero-grant” mobility) is included in the total calculation.

I have already participated in the EU4EU project last year. Can I apply again?

Yes, you can apply again.

I am currently participating in another EU-funded project. Can I apply for and receive an Erasmus + scholarship?

Yes, it is possible to request it, but the dates of the two projects cannot coincide and must be spaced for at least 5 working days.

Are only students with nationality from the country where the sending university is located authorized to participate?

No, the project is open to students of any nationality, as long as they are enrolled in one of the universities of the Consortium at the time of submitting the application.

Can I do the internship in a blended mode?

Yes, you can do the placement in blended mode. This means that you have to work at least 60 days in the workplace and can complete up to 90 days online. This mode combines on-site practical experience and remote work.

What is meant by "fewer opportunities" and how can I receive the additional financial grant?

Fewer opportunities  refers to students or recent graduates facing economic, social, cultural, or health-related barriers, such as disabilities, financial difficulties, coming from disadvantaged geographical areas or migrant backgrounds, or experiencing discrimination. If you belong to one of these categories, you can apply for an additional financial grant of 250 euros per month for your Erasmus+ mobility. To apply, you must provide official documentation (such as a medical certificate or economic situation document etc.) and upload it to the EU4EU portal during your application. The grants will be awarded based on ranking and are subject to fund availability.

I'm from an extra-EU country. What do I have to do to get my documents?

It is the participant’s responsibility to prepare the necessary documentation to obtain a residence permit or visa. During the registration phase for the EU4EU Program, make sure to check with the Embassy or Consulate of the host country about the required procedures (visa, residence permit, health insurance, etc.). The processing times for these documents can take up to six months and may compromise your participation if not started early.

How do I formalize my registration on the EU4EU Portal?

You have to “pre-register” from 01st  October 2024 to 24th October 2024 or, alternatively, “register” from 25th October 2024 to 10th November 2024 on EU4EU Portal. To do that you will:


  • access the Portal through the link: https://eng.eu4eu.org/eu4eu-portal/
  • “Sign Up” to the Portal as student;
  • complete the registration by entering personal data in the web form;
  • upload and save the required files;
  • sign the Declaration of Compliance.


To conclude your application you must also complete the 2nd Application Phase – Matching with Host Organization (see below). For details read the “GUIDELINES FOR TRAINEES TO THE EU4EU PORTAL AND THE MATCHING PHASE ” that you find in the Home page of the Portal.

Why should I pre-register?

For two reasons:


  • 5 extra points are assigned to each candidate who completes the Pre-registration.
  • Students who complete the Pre-registration will be able to participate in the Matching phase from the first useful day and will therefore have greater opportunities to intercept and apply with the Host Organizations of their interest. Students who do not pre-register, will register when the Matching phase has already begun, and will have to wait for their profile to be approved in order to start the Matching. For the approval of the profile during the Matching phase there is a maximum deadline of 5 working days.
Can I update or edit the web form and the uploaded files once I completed my registration on the EU4EU Portal?

No, you should carefully complete your registration, because once you finish it you will no longer be able to edit it.

How should I set the Motivation Letter? To whom should I address it?

The Motivation Letter is an essential document for your application together with the Curriculum Vitae. We recommend that you take care of the content, which will have to describe your educational and professional background, your motivations in proposing the application for a traineeship abroad and your professional goals. Considering that your letter will be visible to all Host Organizations enrolled in the EU4EU Portal, you can introduce it using the formulas “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir / Madam”. To support the drafting of the Motivation Letter you can also use the Europass model.

How can I demonstrate that my linguistic competence is at least B1 level?

The candidate must upload at least one of the following documents/file:


  • at least B1 level (or equivalent) language certificate, issued by a certifying body (Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS, Trinity ESOL, etc.);
  • certificate issued by the English Language Center of the University
  • certificate issued by a language school of at least B1 level;
  • study plan that highlights the passing of a level language exam at least B1;
  • self-certification of self-certification of knowledge of the English language;
  • link-URL of your own English language Video CV.


Note: For students in the Portuguese consortium, there is the possibility of entering a self-declaration to declare their English language level.
Please consult the call for applications in relation to this and ask the national coordinator.

I’m fluent in English but I am not currently in possession of a certification. How can I prove my English knowledge?

If the candidate does not have one of the documents required to prove his / her knowledge of English (at least B1 level), he / she can create a Video CV with the topic: “Introduce yourself and explain your motivations”. The video must be approximately one minute long. Remember to take care of both the content of the video and its technical realization. The embedded code to the video file can be uploaded in the “language” field. Students of the Portuguese Consortium can also enter a self-declaration on the Portal to certify the level of English language they possess.

Will I receive a notification of my eligibility to access the 2nd Application Phase - Matching with the Host Organization?

Yes, you will receive an email to the email address you used to register.

If I’m not eligible after the end of the Registration Phase, can I apply again for a scholarship?

Yes, you can apply again for a scholarship in the next Call.

Can I do the internship in the same country where I study?

No, students cannot do the traineeship in the same country where the sending University is based. Internships must be done abroad.

I am eligible to enter the Matching phase with Host Organizations. What should I do next?

To follow all the steps to be done during the matching phase check the document “Guidelines to the Matching Phase

Can I do the internship in the UK? How will Brexit impact the Program?

No, the UK is no longer a Program Country of the Erasmus+.

I am eligible for the second application Phase, am I entitled to a scholarship in any case?

Access to the second phase does not automatically guarantee the award of the scholarship. You will have to upload the Letter of Availability during the Matching phase. Applications will be evaluated after the end of the Matching Phase, and a final ranking will be drawn up according to the selection criteria stated in the Call.

I would like to contact a Host Organization of my interest to request an interview, but I am not sure what kind of email to send. Is there a template to follow?

Yes. To contact a Host Organization present on the EU4EU Portal or outside the EU4EU Portal you can follow the following template.

I have successfully passed an interview with a Host Organization that I found in the EU4EU Portal, now how can I complete the matching?

When the student has reached an agreement with the Host following an interview, the contact person of the Host Organization must create the Letter of Availability through the web form, print it, sign it and send it via email to the student. The student must sign it and upload it to his/her account. At this moment the application procedure terminates.


For details read the “GUIDELINES FOR TRAINEES TO THE EU4EU PORTAL AND THE MATCHING PHASE WITH COMPANIES” that you find in the Home page of the Portal.

I have more than one Letter of Availability from different Host Organizations, can I upload just one or more in the EU4EU Portal?

If more than one Host Organization sent you a Letter of Availability you must upload just one of them on the Portal, the one from the Host Organization you chose for carrying out your internship. Without any delay inform the Host Organization you didn’t pick, in order to leave that offer to other students.

I need to download and to fill in the Letter of Availability to upload on my personal page, but I can’t find it anywhere. What should I do?

The contact person of your Host Organization must create and fill in the Letter of Availability through the web form, print it, sign it and send it via email to the student. To complete the matching the student must sign it and upload the letter on his/her profile.

Can I participate in the Call by proposing a Host Organization that is not yet registered in the EU4EU Portal?

Yes, you can, provided that the Host Organization is eligible and register on EU4EU Portal by the end of the matching period. The application procedures are the standard ones. If you are in contact with a Host Organization that would like to host you, send this link to find information on EU4EU for Host Organizations.


Please note: if the Host Organization does not meet the eligibility and suitability requirements established in the Call for Host Organizations, it will not be considered eligible. In this case you can still choose a different Host Organization that you will find in the Portal.

I formalized the matching with the Host and completed my application, am I automatically awarded the scholarship?

No, candidates will have to wait for the results of the selection phase, which will be held after the end of the Matching Phase.

If I am not awarded the mobility grant, will I be able to carry out the traineeship without receiving funds?

Yes, you might do it. In fact, in case of exhaustion of EU funds or at the specific request of the student and with the prior authorization of the university, it will be possible to assign to eligible candidates the status of “Erasmus-zero-grant” which allows for the benefits of mobility, without receiving the EU contribution. In addition, if you are in the waiting list, there are chances that you will be assigned the scholarship at a later stage.

I did not win the EU4EU scholarship. Can I still do the internship with the Host Organization contacted through the EU4EU Portal?

Only if you maintain “Zero Grant” status within the EU4EU project.

I won the scholarship but decided to decline it for any reason. Can I still do the internship with the Host Organization contacted through the EU4EU Portal?

No, you cannot. It is strictly forbidden to use the EU4EU Portal to arrange internships not funded by the EU4EU project. If you do not receive or decline the EU4EU scholarship but still wish to do the internship with the organization identified through the EU4EU Portal, you must maintain “Zero Grant” status within the EU4EU project.

If I don't pass the selection process, can I re-use the matching completed on the EU4EU portal to apply for other scholarships from my sending university?

No. The matching support service provided by EU4EU Program is reserved exclusively for EU4EU trainees.

Can I agree with more than one Host Organization to do the traineeship in two different locations? Can I also agree to do the internship in two different periods of the year, even with the same Host?

No, both solutions are not admissible. The traineeship must necessarily take place for the entire duration in a single organization and must be continuous over time. No interruptions, suspensions or unplanned changes of destination are allowed, except for reasons of force majeure (for more details see the “Changes in mobility” section below).

I missed the deadline to complete my 1st or 2nd Application Phase. Do I have to wait for the next Call to apply for a scholarship?

Once the ranking is published, In the event that a certain number of scholarships is left unassigned, an extraordinary application procedure will be opened up to exhaustion of scholarships. To participate in the extraordinary application procedure, students must register with EU4EU Portal and complete the profile by uploading all the required documentation. Once the registration is completed, candidates will be able to immediately access the Matching Phase and find Host Organizations.

Can I give up the scholarship after receiving it? What are the consequences?

By signing the Letter of Availability, you agree to do a traineeship in an organization abroad. Changing your mind after signing the document will be considered as unprofessional behavior towards the partners involved in the project. If you are unable to fulfill your commitment, you need to send an official communication by e-mail to the coordinator and the Host Organization, cc the Intermediary Organization EuGen (info@eu4eu.org) and specify the reason for the renouncement.

Can I change the Host Organization after receiving the scholarship? What are the consequences?

No, unless you demonstrate a case of force majeure, which prevents you from fulfilling your commitment.

Can a Host Organization refuse to host my traineeship, after having signed the Letter of Availability?

No, except for reasons of force majeure. In the event, support will be provided to find an alternative Host Organization.

Can I change the dates after signing the Letter of Availability?

Yes, but it is strongly recommended to limit changes to mobility. Anyway you can propose a change of dates to your Host Organization. You can do this by sending an e- mail to the Host Organization and to your National Coordinator, cc the Intermediary Organization EuGen (info@eu4eu.org).

Can I have an extension of the grant at the end of the mobility?

During the mobility, the participants may request an extension of the scholarship at the end of the pre-established mobility. Extensions of the financial contribution of mobility can be financed only if there are still funds available.

What happens if I complete the mobility period before the agreed dates?

In this case you will have to return the received and unused scholarship. If the traineeship lasts less than 2 months, the scholarship will be returned in full, except for justified reasons of force majeure.

What is considered a force majeure situation and what should I do in such cases?

A force majeure situation refers to an unpredictable, exceptional event outside of your control that prevents you from completing your mobility. This type of situation, which makes it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Grant Agreement, must not be caused by error or negligence and should be unavoidable despite all reasonable efforts. If you encounter a force majeure situation, you should contact your national EU4EU coordinator to request authorization for interruption of mobility. This request must be approved by the National Agency. Only after approval will the interruption be considered valid.

During my mobility period, can I do my traineeship in more than one Host Organization?

No. The entire traineeship period must take place in the Host Organization that has signed the Letter of Availability.

During the mobility period, can I interrupt my traineeship to get my degree?

No. Mobility cannot be interrupted to discuss the thesis.

Will I receive additional financial support from the Host Organization?

It is not mandatory for Host organizations to supplement the Erasmus + grant. However, some organizations decide to do so, offering additional direct or indirect financial support. You will find this information in the descriptions of the Host Organization on the EU4EU Portal.

During the mobility period, do I have insurance coverage?

Candidates are advised to contact the EU4EU National Coordinator on this topic.

During the mobility period, do I have medical insurance?

This changes according to the National consortia, you have to check it with your national coordinator.

What document do I need to consult to start my internship?

Check the document “Internship Start Up Rules

What document should I read to find information?

Check the web page “Documents and Rules” on the EU4EU website and you will find:


  • the link to the National Coordinators webpages of the project. There you will find the Call for students and more material;
  • guidelines for the EU4EU Portal and the Matching Phase;
  • FAQ EU4EU for students;
  • learning Agreement template;
  • letter of Availability example;
  • letter of Arrival template.
What if I don't find the information I'm looking for?

If you need information regarding the Portal and the Host Organizations you can contact EuGen at info@eu4eu.org.


For any other information you can contact you national Coordinator support service:


Italy: italianconsortium@eu4eu.org
Spain: movilidad@campusiberus.es
France: eu4eufrance@univ-lille.fr
Portugal: eu4eu@isg.pt

Who is in charge of the scholarships’ payment?

Scholarships are paid by the National Coordinator according to the modalities foreseen in the Call for Applications of each participating country.

Who is the responsible person at the sending university?

Normally, the responsible person at the sending university is the Erasmus referent of your course of study. She/he is usually in charge of signing the Learning Agreement on the behalf of the sending institution.

Ver. 27.02.024