EU4EU: a bridge between training and work

The Erasmus + program carries out one of the key principles of the EU: the free movement of people. For the benefit of students, but not only. Mobility generates job prospects, creates opportunities for young people, resources for companies and inputs for the economy.

There is a connection between the world’s most important training mobility programme, Erasmus, and the political vision conceived by the founding fathers of the European Union: the idea of an emerging transnational community, in which people, services, skills and rights are free to move around and be recognised beyond national boundaries. The founding principles of a united Europe are in some ways brought to life and fully expressed in the programme that has enabled 9 million people, in a little over thirty years, to study and work abroad in 33 European countries.

What does Erasmus mean in 2019?

The Erasmus of today is certainly more than a simple international mobility programme for university students, as it was initially envisaged way back in 1987. Since 2014 the programme has added a “plus”, not just changing its name to Erasmus+. Compared with the past, the programme has become more complex and varied, with actions in different sectors aimed at different categories of beneficiaries: students of all ages, trainees, young entrepreneurs, volunteers, academic and school staff, youngsters and adults in vocational training, etc. The resources made available (approximately 15 billion EUR for the period 2014-2020) make it possible to finance not only the mobility of millions of people but also numerous research projects, and to build partnerships for sharing best practices, innovation in education and access to employment, and for processes designed to reform policies. Europe’s ability to face up to current challenges (employment-social inclusion-innovation-environmental sustainability and consolidation of a European identity) will depend greatly on the ability to include as many actors as possible within the scope of Erasmus+. The greater the involvement of social and production partners, the greater the impact will be, and the greater the benefits for the entire community.

EU4EU: a bridge between Erasmus+ and work.

EU4EU is the Program that connects the world of universities with that of work and companies. Conceived and coordinated by EuGen-European Generation, EU4EU is an Italian initiative that has spread year after year to other European countries, and is now also operational in Spain, Croatia and France.

Everybody likes EU4EU: it helps graduates to access employment, gives an international flavour to Universities’ supply of post-graduate training and supports the development of businesses through occupational traineeships wholly funded by the EU.

The network, created in 2015, has a consolidated framework co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The network currently consists of 47 Universities and around 500 host organisations, consisting of businesses, public bodies and voluntary organisations operating all over Europe. About 1,000 scholarships have been granted in 5 years, offering periods of training overseas in organisations which in turn benefit from European funding and operate in different sectors, from training to environmental sustainability, business consulting, urban planning, scientific research and much more besides. Upon completing the experience, nearly 6 out of 10 students found employment, bearing witness to the positive impact on their educational and career path.

What are the benefits for businesses?

In 2020 there will be around 300 internships funded with the EU4EU program, which will help companies, but also public bodies, universities and research centers, non-governmental organizations and social enterprises to grow and innovate without extra payroll costs through professional traineeships funded by Erasmus +. But not only. Here are the other benefits for companies:

  • Internationalising the work team
  • Facilitating the recruiting of young professionals in strategic sectors (Europlanning, project management, communication, marketing, IT, etc.)
  • Joining an international network
  • Raising the ability to attract more European funding and/or public-private investments

Registrations to host one or more internships for free in 2020 are open until 29 October 2019. To find out more and join as company/host organisation, click here