THIS TIME I'M VOTING | LAST CHAPTER- HERE WE GO! As Europeans we face many challenges, from migration to climate change, from youth unemployment to data privacy. We live in an ever more globalised, competitive world. At the same time, the Brexit referendum has demonstrated that...

With the upcoming EU elections on 23-26 May also EuGen - European Generation has decided to get involved in the campaign This Time I’m Voting. Why vote in the European elections in May 2019? As Europeans we face many challenges, from migration to climate change, from youth unemployment to...

Great news for French students. The French Consortium EU4EU, coordinated by University of Lille, has been awarded in the Erasmus+ KA108 framework. Eleven new universities become part of the EU4EU network, which already involves 35 universities from three countries (Italy, Spain and Croatia), coordinated internationally by...

As announced in recent weeks, we are pleased to confirm that starting from March 2019 a new matching phase is open for hosting trainees enrolled in one of the universities of the Croatian Erasmus + consortium, coordinated by INFORMO Association. Under this call 40 mobility grants...

From Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 March the first 3-days training dedicated to the staff mobility of the universities of the EU4EU network consortia will be held in Brussels. The “1st EU4EU Transnational Training and Capacity Building Workshop" will involve representatives of the 35 universities...