Rome, 21 December 2022   Today, 21 December 2022, the second two-year report of the EU4EU - Erasmus+ program, is published. In the two-year period 2021-2022 EU4EU continued to be appreciated by all program partners: Universities, Host Organizations and Students; this is demonstrated by the participation and...

Rome, 04 October 2022   Today, 4 October 2022, the new EU4EU - Erasmus+ call opens for all university students wishing to apply for the chance to carry out an internship in a European company.   Students from the Italian, Portuguese and French consortia can therefore participate from today,...

Rome, 30/09/2022   The Staff Mobility 2022, which saw the consortium of Portuguese universities travel to Italy and specifically to Rome, ended today. The event kicked off in the afternoon of Wednesday 28 September 2022 and ended close to the opening of the new call for EU4EU...

Roma, 09/09/2022   (ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) Si apre il 12 settembre 2022 il bando straordinario di EU4EU - Erasmus+, attraverso il quale daremo l’opportunità di vincere la borsa di studio a tutti quegli studenti appartenenti al consorzio italiano che - pur avendo lo scorso anno svolto tutti i...

Rome, 26/04/2022 An Extraordinary Procedure will be open on 2 May 2022 for scholarships awarded by the EU4EU - Erasmus+ Scholarship for traineeship program.  This new window will only concern Students enrolled at the universities of the consortia of France and Portugal. The rules for participating in the...

Rome, 09/03/2022 On 8 March 2022 the Italian Consortium merit ranking for the participants in the EU4EU - Erasmus + scholarship for traineeship project was published. This year the scholarship requests have been particularly numerous, as it confirms the enthusiasm of the students and of the Host...

I candidati delle Università italiane del Consorzio EU4EU EuGen che risulteranno vincitori di borsa per tirocinio e che versino in condizioni socioeconomiche svantaggiate possono richiedere un’integrazione del contributo individuale per la mobilità fisica Erasmus+ di 250 euro/mese. Gli studenti e neolaureati in condizioni socioeconomiche svantaggiate sono...

Roma, 21 dicembre 2021 È aperto il Bando EU4EU Sapienza dedicato agli studenti del Consorzio italiano per assegnare le 26 borse residue del progetto 2020 con partenza prevista tra il 15 marzo 2022 e il 31 maggio 2022. Facciamo un pò di chiarezza: a chi si...